Friday, January 27, 2012

Darling Twins

If you've been following me for awhile now then you've seen these two quite a bit;0 Momma is great about documenting their growth and stages;0 They're the same age as my youngest and at a particularly favorite age of mine especially with Lil Miss Sassy Pants posing like a supermodel with each shutter of my camera;0 arent they adorable little creatures!!?? This first image of Christopher is one of my very favorites...such a little man! Enjoy;0

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Texas Christmas...

wow, I'm soooo behind on blogs there is little hope of ever truly catching up so I'm just slinging out some of my faves from here till Monday;0
Look who just keeps growing & won't stop!! The Phipps Kids!! Man, I love these 3 like my own & Sandy is one of my precious friends so I thoroughly enjoy our sessions. I was stoked when Sandy said she was gonna do full on western wear this year bc I IMMEDIATELY knew we ABSOLUTELY HAD to get our booties to the Stockyards! the result; perfection! Ella was a full on Rhinestone Cowgirl & Jayden...well, I could just EAT HIM UP!! I've always adored this baby boy but he's at the CUTEST age right now & super duper fun! Jesse remains to be one of THE BEST teens I've ever met & I pray I'm half as lucky with my two; love that kid! So, enjoy our Western inspired family shoot; we sure did!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

hmmm...only 7.5 months late...

GEEZ!! I knew I was behind on blogging but had NO IDEA I had just skipped right OVER this entire wedding from June & there really are some GORGEOUS this first one! ugh. one of my fave couple shots EVER! This couple is amazing & their story is one of Grace & how awesome Christ's plans are for us when we let HIM do the planning. I love that I am BLESSED to share in the amazing stories of couples and those who have collided with HIM and what their lives were before and how different and beautiful they are shakes me to my core and I'm honored EVERY SINGLE TIME! So, enjoy this story as it unfolds here in this blog...I LOVE you big time, A & S !!