Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tiny Lil Diva...New Newborn Session

Sweet Precious Baby Paiton! Let me tell you...This is tiny little Diva here; she posed for me and she was good as gold but she lets you know who is REALLY in charge! She looooved being outside and sunbathing; I mean seriously loved it. She reminded me of my almost 6 year old babygirl with her olive skin, big brown eyes and gobs of crazy, spiky dark brown hair. And I know we all say babies are nearly blind at this age but I swear to God this baby would move her head when I talked to her and lock eyes with me; so sweet. And she was SO alert and attentive...the only way I got her to sleep was to take her outside otherwise she was WIDE awake and checking out everything. I know most photogs will shudder at the paci in some of these shots but those are honestly some of my faves with her lil fat, tiny hand on her cheek; plus this is a BIG paci baby so that's just part of who she is and that, I believe, has a place in this story;) I hope to post some updated pics of this beautiful babe in a few months! Hint, Hint, MiMi & Momma and Daddy! ha. Enjoy! She's perfect.

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